About Catholic Bingo and Catholic Memory Games
My name is Suzanne and I am one of 3
daughters of Germaine, the actual creator of this Catholic Bingo Game
and Catholic
Memory Game.
My mother was a very devout Roman Catholic and everyone who met her truly believed that her faith was unshakable and solid. She became the Sunday School Director of St. Michael’s Parish and taught First Holy Communion every year for many years, and found there was a need for teaching children catechism while having a fun time. The bingo game was born with that concept in mind. It took her many, many years to come up with questions, create a protype, and implement it in Sunday School and also sub-parish meetings. Everyone who played it, loved it, and learned from it. Her ultimate dream was to create more bingo games and for Catholics everywhere to enjoy it. Sadly, she passed away in 2008 from a tough battle with cancer. My heart misses her every single day. While going through the painful task of cleaning and packing up the house, we found the bingo game. In her bag marked “yarn”, there was the prototype, all the questions, some books, and her notes and doodles. My sisters said I could have it, and so I took it and put it in the corner of my room. Where it sat for months. And then, suddenly, a voice came into my head that it was time to bring it out, dust it off, and do something with it. So I have. I have brought all the questions my mother wrote out (and some that didn’t make the cut), entered them into an online format, created bingo cards (hers were original cut up poster board), and have compiled them online… for you, for your family, for your Sunday School class, for your sub-parish…. with all my mother’s love. The two charities being donated to where very close to my mother’s heart. The Marian Helpers and the Retirement Fund for the Religious. Each month I will donate to these causes in her name and labeled that it is from these proceeds that you have contributed to. Thank you for taking the time in reading this. I feel it’s important to let people know the hard work my mom put into this and how much she loved doing this. I only hope that it brings the happiness to others as it did for her and us all these years and that I have completed her dream. May She Rest In Peace. God Bless You. Home | Download | Screenshot | Contact |